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Safe Manual Handling


13941452_sLifting and moving objects is a common cause of pain and injury to the body. Your lower back, neck and shoulders are quite vulnerable to poor lifting techniques. Eliminating lifting and bending is the best way to avoid injury but this is often not possible.

Plan the Lift.

If you can avoid lifting or bending, than it is best to do so. Otherwise, try to reduce the following:

  • The need to lift from below your knees or above your shoulders
  • The distance the object is away from your body
  • Weight, shape and size of the lift
  • The number of times you are going to lift
  • The speed of your lift
  • Any twisting or jerking while lifting or carrying

Make it Easier?

  • Always warm up before attempting to lift.
  • Get help if necessary
  • Use trolleys, cranes etc.
  • Make sure the pathway is clear
  • Keep objects that you move often on benches between knee and shoulder height.

How the Physiotherapist Can Help?

Physiotherapists are trained in posture and human movement. Your physiotherapist can help you increase muscle strength and fitness to help you with your lifting. Your physiotherapist can also treat muscles, joints and ligaments to assist you in your speedy recovery.

Physical Fitness Helps.

Stiff joints and weak muscles can reduce your ability to keep your posture and lifting technique in the right positions. If you have weak leg muscles, you will find the lift harder and put your body under more strain.