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Ankle Sprains


14899582_sYour Ankle joints take large amounts of impact because they are the connection between your body and the ground. If you roll your ankle as the foot hits the ground, the ankle may be sprained. Physiotherapists can assess your ankle to determine the severity and type of injury. A physiotherapist and can provide treatment to encourage faster healing and recovery.

What is an Ankle Sprain?

The ankle joint is made up of four bones shaped to make the joint stable. The surrounding ligaments provide increased stability of the joint. These ligaments are strong, fibrous tissue that guide movement and prevent the joint from moving out of place. An ankle sprain occurs when the ligaments are over stretched causing ligament fibres and small blood vessels to tear. The result is the tissues bleed, which is visible by swelling and unfortunately very painful.


  • Wear activity specific well-fitted shoes.
  • Avoid activities in bad lighting or uneven surface.
  • Practice standing on one leg to increase ligament strength.
  • Warm up and warm down before exercise.

When Can You Return to Work/Sport?

Your physiotherapist can discuss with you your estimated time of return depending on the severity of the damage and your response to rehabilitation. Returning too early to work or sport often will delay the healing and prolong the recovery.

What To Do After A Sprain

As soon as possible and for at least 72 hours after injury, use the below RICE method:

R – REST – Only move within your limit of pain.
I – ICE – As soon as possible and for 20 minutes every two hours.
C – OMPRESSION – Firmly bandage the sprain including 5cm above and below.
E – ELEVATION – As much as possible, elevate the sprain higher than your heart.

Avoid any of the below HARM factors in the first 72 hours to prevent worsening the injury and lengthening your recovery.